- 31.05.2017
The re:publica team invites you to join them for the round table in Dublin. Come to the kick-off for the second #rpDUB in Ireland. We want to hear your feedback, your opinions, your ideas!
- 27.05.2017
Gia sou Thessaloniki! The re:publica team invites you to join them for the first round table. Come to the kick-off for the first re:publica in Thessaloniki on 29 May 2017 in Greece.
- 25.05.2017
Our Digitizing the Greenery programme continues! You cannot be there? Follow our livestream and join us to the second symposium of the "Digitalization in the Green" event "Welcome to Suburbia - Building bridges between Sub & Urban Space" at Wolkenhain.
- 24.05.2017
And there she goes! Once again, the re:publica 2017 offered you a huge, diverse and colourful programme. Over the next weeks and months you'll have all the time in the world to revisit our eleventh conference through videos, pictures and written articles.
- 16.05.2017
Our media partner dctp.tv was busy at the re:publica. Over the course of the three days, they produced 26 video interviews on-location in their #rp17 studio. The #rp17 speakers Andreas May, Nelly Ben Hayoun and Elisabeth Wehling were among the people who stopped by for a talk.
- 15.05.2017
We hope that you were able to gather all sorts of new insights, meet old friends and left with armfuls of inspiration! Our look back at the #rp17, including all the important facts, and forward to the next re:publicas.