Stage L1
16:45 - 17:15
A Public Braindate on the New Learning Order (Hint: it will be self-directed, experiential and collaborative)


A linear, predictable life would call for linear, predictable studies. Yet, in this day and age, lives are everything but predictable. Learning has to follow the pace: it has to be agile, timely and individualized. While learning is changing, learners’ unique questions, challenges, interests and personalities are still seen more as an annoyance than a fertile ground for learning.

So what’s next?

Let’s explore a world where all humans will be supported in becoming their greatest selves everywhere, all the time, by all of us. Share your thoughts and questions in advance via #NewLearning + #rp17.


A linear, predictable life would call for linear, predictable studies. Yet, in this day and age, lives are everything but predictable. They are challenging, pushing us to thrive for constant innovation in a world where problems and solutions are created everyday. They call for our ability to constantly reinvent ourselves, to be incredibly resilient, humble and fierce.

We can’t hit pause. Learning has to follow the pace: it has to be agile, timely and individualized. In this era of collaborative everything, the model of one-teaches-all is rapidly being transformed into a model of all-teach-one, with the incredible individualization of learning it allows.

While learning is changing, schools and corporations do have a hard time to keep up with the pace. Many educators and technology entrepreneurs are redefining classroom standards, but few initiatives question the very dogma on which our educational practices are built: the very concept of education being anything else than the broadcasting of information from one to many. The expert (ex-peer) still acts as a knowledge broadcaster while participants are confined to the role of silent spectators. In many cases, education is something that is being done to you and learners’ unique questions, challenges, interests and personalities were seen more as an annoyance than a fertile ground for learning.

We can all feel it: this model won’t last very long. So what’s next?

What if workplaces were accountable of adults blooming? What if our communities were devoted to guiding our children in the accomplishment of their current and far dreams? What if we used our digital power to propel refugees with knowledge and opportunities? What if we stopped bashing schools as they are and proposed such a strong alternative that they would soon just become obsolete?

Through a discussion with Braindate CEO Christine Renaud, let’s explore a world where all humans, young or old, anchored or displaced, will be supported in becoming their greatest selves everywhere, all the time, by all of us.

Share your thoughts and questions in advance via #NewLearning + #rp17.
