Politics & Society

Photo credit: re:publica/Gregor Fischer

Reflections on the change of societies and political dynamics due to digitization are at the core of the re:publica programme. We are interested in shifting power balances, in societal change and civic digital action. At re:publica we want to talk about what we need to do for a free and open Internet and its relation to the shifting political paradigms on the continent. We want to explore the intersections of technology with politics and society.

In this track we will discuss surveillance technologies, data and privacy protection, e-privacy, Internet shutdowns and net neutrality. We will look at community networks, the effects of AI on society, digital disobedience, as well as new governance models aided by digital technologies.

We invite activists, civil society representatives, researchers and all persons with experience in these topics to help us examine the interplay of technology and society on a philosophical level as well as on the day-to-day basis. We’ll explore the opportunities of civic tech and debate the state of Internet freedom - based on your contributions. Questions we would like to see tackled e.g. include: How do social media platforms influence the shaping of political opinions? How are movements and communities for Internet freedom, digital democracy and open data developing? What social and legislative processes should be initiated to regulate an ever accelerating automation? Can the blockchain deliver on its promise of revolutionizing governance processes?

  • Politics & Society
    Cyber. the word entails controversy: hype, misunderstandings, misappropriation, and above all many yet unanswered questions. Due to this and especially now this notion and topic are becoming increasingly important within international cooperation. Between network policy and security policy, between cyber arms race and cyber cynicism, one thing is often left out: What about the digital security of the poorest and most remote regions and populations?
    The more countries like Germany address the protection of their own digital infrastructures, the more it becomes apparent that we also have a global responsibility in this regard. However, an official "cyber development policy" does not yet exist. How do we prevent an increase of digital divides in the digital arms race? What cyber-risks need to be taken into account by development cooperation and humanitarian aid? In this panel the German development cooperation deals with questions like these and looks together with partner countries, experts and the audience for suitable answers. Because if cyber - then responsibly.
  • Politics & Society
    The session looks at the inclusion of women in tech as a global challenge. Women’s employment in the digital economy is often marred by gendered barriers and stereotypes. The good news: Times are changing, there are plenty of inspiring women who are following their dreams despite the challenges they encounter along the way. The session brings together development professionals, policy-makers and women from tech from South Africa and Nigeria and explores what is needed to better reflect the diversity of women’s know-how and creativity in the digital economy. The session is convened by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
  • Politics & Society
    In what kind of a world do we want to live in? How should our future look like in 10 or 15 years? Digital transformation is changing the way we live and work in Germany as well as in developing and emerging countries. Between Sci-Fi, 1984 and utopia everything seems possible. In our futuristic journey, we want to look at questions such as: What is the role of information and communication technologies and digital trends for people in our partner countries today and in the future? Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, highlights these questions together with exciting guests.
  • Politics & Society
    In einem Town Hall Meeting auf der #rpTEN hat Arbeitsministerin Andrea Nahles mit Ihnen über die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt diskutiert. Nun gibt es das Weißbuch Arbeiten 4.0 mit konkreten Vorschlägen. Also: wie geht es weiter?
  • Politics & Society
    Arbeiten 4.0: Wie können wir Menschen bei Umbrüchen und Veränderungen im Arbeitsleben stärker unterstützen?
  • Politics & Society
    The Internet derives much of its power from the ability to make an unlimited number of copies and to distribute them globally for effectively zero cost. Copyright was invented for the analogue age, and is based on a right to restrict copying. This talk will examine the ways in which 18th-century copyright is breaking the 21st-century Internet; the latest threats to the online world as a result of proposals contained in a new EU Copyright Directive; and what to do about it.
  • Politics & Society
    Mit "Türkei unzensiert" bietet COSMO eine mehrsprachige Plattform zur Situation in der Türkei. Ziel ist es, einen Beitrag zur Debatte und damit zum besseren Verständnis der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Ereignisse zu bieten.
  • Politics & Society
    Die Bundesregierung will mit dem Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz (NetzDG) Hate Speech und Fake News in den Griff bekommen. Doch statt wirkungsvoller Strafverfolgung ist ein Gesetz herausgekommen, dass die Meinungsfreiheit bedroht und gleichzeitig Missbrauchspotenziale für Hater und Stalker eröffnen könnte. Der Vortrag geht auf die wichtigsten Auswirkungen des Gesetzentwurfes ein und zeigt Alternativen auf, die wirklich gegen Hasskriminalität helfen können. Und natürlich gibt es auch einen Ausblick auf die Möglichkeiten, wie das Gesetz auf den letzten Metern noch verhindert werden kann.
  • Politics & Society
    Bislang geht jeder EU-Mitgliedstaat mit Fake News und Hassreden in den sozialen Medien unterschiedlich um. Doch in der Europäischen Union laufen seit August 2016 Anstrengungen, die Mitgliedstaaten bei der Bekämpfung von Fake News und dem Umgang mit Hassreden zu unterstützen. Europaabgeordnete verlangen europäische Regelungen gegen die Verbreitung von Fake News im Internet. Wie betroffen sind die EU-Mitgliedstaaten eigentlich? Was wird auf nationaler und auf EU-Ebene gemacht? Welche Rolle spielen die Medien? Braucht die EU eine gemeinsame Strategie? Und wenn ja, wie könnte sie aussehen?
  • Politics & Society
    The challenges, chances and conditions. In short, democracy has been present on the Internet for a while. People read the latest headlines, sign petitions and feverishly discuss politics in forums and social media. Despite this, elections are still done with pen and paper. Because of traditional methods of voting, many people simply don't vote. On Election Day, many are kept from the polling stations by more pressing issues. Through the digitalization of elections, much can be simplified. The parameters and conditions for secure and safe, legally valid online elections are the topics of this panel discussion.
  • Politics & Society
    Trefft die Mitglieder und Mitarbeiter*innen des Digitale Gesellschaft e.V.
  • Politics & Society
    In the past few years, WWF has been increasing its use of new digital technologies, including real-time smartphone data collection from field locations, development of online interactive maps and tools, and new data collected from airplanes and remotely operated drones for forestry, species and ecosystem monitoring, coastal and marine applications, and anti-poaching operations. This presentation will showcase some of the latest innovations.