Photo credits: re:publica/Gregor Fischer
Arts & Culture
Digital technologies are changing our every day culture in a multitude of ways. We are living in the middle of the post-digital age. The Internet is omnipresent – particularly in the arts and in culture. Digital art (from remixes and GIFs to net-art to virtual reality and interactive text-based adventures), creative activism and politico-cultural questions on decision-making all are points we want to discuss with you at re:publica. Or even better - let’s build prototypes!
What roles do museums and exhibition spaces play in today's world? What can libraries do to close the digital gap? How is the distribution and consumption of music and other media changing? What are the latest developments in VR and what impacts will they have on us as a society? How are our personal interactions and societal values changing? We would like to discuss open approaches in cultural institutions, the opening of archives, creative activism, as well as collaborations between the maker scene, programmers, and artists.
This thematic cross-road invites artists, cultural experts, representatives of cultural institutions and researchers to contribute to this track - we welcome installations, performances, exhibitions, workshops and other contributions at least as much as a talk or panel. Your session can be anything from a Bingo to a theater piece.
We look forward to your projects, ideas and topic on arts & culture and are eager to see what kinds of experiences new technologies will offer us in the future.
- Arts & Culture-You like museums? You even work for one? This is your meetup!
- Arts & Culture-As part of Fablab Berlin's presentation Theresa Schubert is presenting her generative installation "survival".
- Arts & Culture-Paper under control - an artistic printing project that combines contemporary design and manufacturing techniques with traditional printing.
- Arts & Culture-How can the makers of VR experiences learn from the performing arts? By treating VR as a stage. Bombina Bombast presents VR as a performing art form and theatre as an essential field of expertise when creating tech-based experiences. The talk is centered on their work The Shared Individual, a live multi-user VR experience, created in collaboration with Danish film studio Makropol.
- Arts & Culture-In this session award-winning film director Ng’endo Mukii will talk about her virtual reality film ‘Nairobi Berries’ and give us an insight into the filmmaking/VR scene in Africa. The session will be introduced by the European Film Market of the Berlinale, which hosts a platform for collaboration between the African and the international film industry.
- Arts & Culture-Ein Spreeblick-Vortrag auf der re:publica ist wie der Klick auf den Google-Button "Auf gut Glück".
- Arts & Culture-Two worlds invest in the new field of possibilities offered by VR: filmmakers and game studios. Linear contents with great image quality for a spectator living a passive experience on one side. Real-time environments with some technical limitations for a user/gamer living an interactive experience on the other side. Can these two worlds coexist in the VR market? Are they ever going to meet? If immersion is the essence of VR, what does it imply for these two worlds? In this session Grégoire Parain will give insights on how new technologies might change the range of opportunities for content creators in the years to come.
- Arts & Culture-There is a growing movement of people from all walks of life having psychedelic experiences for the purposes of consciousness expansion, creativity, personal growth and therapy. In this talk, Dr Bryan Duggan will explore the psychedelic experience from the perspective of Timothy Leary, Terrance McKenna, Alan Watts, Psychedelic Science and others. Further, he will show how how aspects of the psychedelic experience can be conveyed through immersive virtual reality by providing beautiful, psychedelic inspired, consciousness expanding experiences to the player.
- Arts & Culture-Li Alin is an interdisciplinary artist presenting art works questioning evolution strategies and human reproduction. In this talk she presents her body of work Enter Me Tonight (EMT), which questions the patronizing of human reproduction by patriarchal societies.
- Arts & Culture-In this session filmmakers Micah Garen and Treasa O'Brien look at non-fiction storytelling in an age of ubiquitous digital device and platforms. The discussion will be moderated by Julia von Cube.
- Arts & Culture-How can VR be used to combat censorship in oppressive regimes and what are the challenges of VR documentary storytelling in the future