Short thesis
The more countries like Germany address the protection of their own digital infrastructures, the more it becomes apparent that we also have a global responsibility in this regard. However, an official "cyber development policy" does not yet exist. How do we prevent an increase of digital divides in the digital arms race? What cyber-risks need to be taken into account by development cooperation and humanitarian aid? In this panel the German development cooperation deals with questions like these and looks together with partner countries, experts and the audience for suitable answers. Because if cyber - then responsibly.
In the "cyber discourse" cross-border voices are often not heard. This notion is often closely linked to national security and keeps states currently on their toes. We need to and want to look beyond national borders as resilience of connected systems needs to be guaranteed also on a global level. However, collaboration in the field of security has its pitfalls. Under which circumstances can one country strengthen the cyber capacities of another country? How do human rights based approaches to cyber security strategies look like? It is difficult to make security as a task for international cooperation tangible, but it is necessary. Should experts, the government, NGOs or watchdogs be responsible for cyber capacity building? How can technical and practical know-how about internet risks reach also the most remote regions? Who guarantees that the digital transformation does not reinforce inequalities or that deficits in cyber capacities do not hamper development? In regard to these questions one has to keep always in mind that new cyber security strategies should be developed according to the needs of the population and that freedoms and rights are guaranteed.