Stage J
16:15 - 17:15
Fashion Tech and Privacy-by-Design

Short thesis

Fashion tech and privacy-by-design?! What does fashion have to do with privacy? A lot, if the technology used in fashion tech collects and processes personal data. This can be the case, for example, if a sensor embedded within a pair of running shoes captures the steps and velocity of the wearer in order to analyze the increase in performance. If the runner is able to access that data via a personal login on the website of the manufacturer, then this kind of data is personalized and data protection law applies. But don’t panic: Data protection law doesn’t need to spoil all the fun. On the contrary, if developers of data-driven products understand data protection law as just another factor increasing the quality of those products, then the question is not: Is this product legal or illegal? Rather it is: How can I develop the product in a way that satisfies the needs of my customer? This is the theme of the workshop “Fashion Tech and Privacy-by-Design.” In this workshop, we will enable you to develop your products in a way that makes data protection law a competitive advantage, rather than a constant threat.


For each fashion tech idea, we will form one group who will develop a privacy-by-design solution for this product category.

During the workshop, we will not only consider the relevant legalities; we will also look at elements like user experience and the usability of the respective privacy-by-design solution. Typical development questions will include: What does the user of my product, aka my customer, want? Does he or she want to specifically control the data that is processed that is processed by his or her clothes? Or does the user instead want to control the risks associated with this data processing? Does my product actually create such a risk? And how can said risk be measured? If I want to enable my customer to control such risks on his or her own, how should I do this? How can I avoid aggravating or overwhelming my customer with a lengthy informed consent request? How should I obtain such informed consent? Do I do so when my customer is buying my product in the online shop... or do I use something attached to the clothing itself?

During the workshop, we will address these items within two thematic sections: In the first part, we will carry out a privacy risk assessment in order to determine whether the product creates any type of risk and, if so, what kind of risk is posed to the potential customer. In the second section, we will develop concrete privacy-by-design solutions mitigating such risks. At the end of our workshop, we will present the various privacy-by-design solutions developed for each product idea, and compare and evaluate them in light of the added value created for the customer.