
#rp17 Programme Update March: Second Edition

This week, we’re bringing you the second edition of the curatorial news. After finding out more about the re:learn, re:health, business & work, science:fiction, re:blog and Love Out Loud! tracks in the first part, the programme team now presents you with six further programme points. This includes our labore:tory in the Kühlhaus at the STATION, which we’ll be expanding to two stages this year.

Fernanda: “Last year we premiered the labore:tory –3 days focused on the intersection of culture, technology and society. In 2017, the concept is being developed further to incorporate the umbrella theme “Love Out Loud!” The labore:tory is the re:publica playground, showcasing innovation and creativity alongside individual contributions that are close to the hearts and minds of our partners. The space will have two stages with talks, VR exhibitions, art installations and lots of playful surprises.”

Katharina: “Our cooperation with the Science year has now become something of a tradition. This year we’ll be diving right in and turning our attention to the seas and oceans, which will be brought together in the sub:marine track. The makerspace, especially, will be home to sea dwellers and the technological monitoring of sensitive eco-zones: we’ll be listening in on underwater soundscapes with the hydrophone, taking on-stage trips to the backbone of the internet on the ocean floor and will hear how resource development and extraction in the oceans these days can be somewhat reminiscent of the Wild West. Speaking of (space) cowboys, there are a surprising amount of parallels to the exploration of space. Christine Corbett Moran and Eden Kupermintz will be telling us all about it. And for those who tend to think of Jacques-Yves Cousteau when pondering oceans, we’ll also be welcoming a renowned oceanographer with a hat: Ulrich Bathmann. Expect new research findings of a technological, aesthetic and data journalism kind.”

Helene: “The Music track will be taking shape both musically and physically in the labore:tory under the motto "Berlin – Music City = Tech City". How does the music scene shape the city? Why are women still so underrepresented in the electronic music scene and how can we change that? And is streaming changing music itself? We’ll be discussing these questions and many more. We’ll also be bringing together the local community for an evening of talks and, of course, music.”

Alex: “Bloggers, vloggers, podcasters and anyone else who might be interested can come together with experts in the Law Lab and take their first steps in media law 101. We explore the legal aspects of writing online and the active use of social media services. Questions concerning the viability of nonviolent communication on the web and in which situations one really requires legal help have turned a debate into an entire topic of interest. Just in time for the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we’ll have a blogger and a data privacy activist show us how activists can use this increasing transparency to their own ends and thereby increase the level of gross social data protection. In times of online learning and access to entire art collections on the web, new questions concerning copyright have arisen. Delia Browne of the National Copyright Union will provide fresh ideas on how copyrights can be tailored to educational and cultural needs in this discussion.”

Katharina: “Our main stage is dedicated to the technological and societal discourses of today. This is where we consider ideas and impulses from various and differing points of view, so as to carry these insights over onto other stages and continue the discussions there. To ensure this diversity, we sounded out other events, checked the schedules in various time zones and worked hard on the topics together. We’ll be expecting Chess Grand Master and opposition activist Garry Kasparov. Julian Oliver and Trevor Paglen will be talking about their artistic interventions. In Elisabeth Wehling, we will be welcoming an academic heavyweight from the field of Neurolinguistics on board, just as we are with speaker Orit Halpern. She will be reflecting on Big Data with us. Architect Usman Haque is joining the ranks of the main stagers and will offer us insights into the connection between sociology and urbanism. Thanks to these highlights, we look forward to enlightening insights and enriching discussions in the follow-up to them.”

Geraldine: “The GIG track is diverse and varied in terms of formats and topics: all three days will feature hands-on hardware tinkering at the makerspace: from batteries made from mud, interactive love letters, cultivating luminescent ocean bacteria and building air filters, all the way to 3D printing with compostable materials and learning how to solder music instruments. On stage, we’ll be featuring and discussing self-made image signal processors (ISPs) and other free infrastructure projects from around the world, mobile health solutions from Africa, courses of action taken against hate speech in South Sudan or how medium-sized business are embracing the maker movement. We look forward to GIG speakers from around the globe. This year, for example, features speakers from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nepal and Egypt.”

And for anyone who still hasn’t had enough, they can check out the programme so far here.

Photo credit: Lennart Mühlenmeier