Call for Participation: The First Stage is Over – 175 Entries and Counting!

The first stage of our Call for Participation ended on December 4th. Now on to the next, ending January 8th, 2017!
As is well known, this year’s call is structured in three stages with the final deadline on January 31st. Yesterday saw the conclusion of the first stage. We were thrilled to see that we had already received 175 exciting entries from you! Many of your entries deal with topics from the classic re:publica categories, such as Politics & Society. Our next stage ends on January 8th (more on the Call here), until then you can let yourselves and your entries be inspired by the diversity and scope of our tracks. We look forward to your ideas and projects for FinTech, Mobility & City, Business & Work, Music or Arts & Culture. Needless to say, we’ve got our cherished sub-conferences back again, like the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) and their makerspace that had us tinkering and building all kinds of great things last year, or re:health dealing with everything concerning the topic of digital health, as well as all the new developments in education at re:learn. New tracks featured are, among others:
Together with our partner Science Year 2016*17, we are initiating the “sub:marine” track which will focus on exciting questions regarding ocean habitats and the sustainable use of our natural resources. We'll be looking at the fascinating technologies being implemented in our planet's oceans and discussing topics concerning Open Sea Data and the Ocean Internet of Things. We'll also focus on ways to make science even more exciting and aesthetically accessible.
This track is dedicated to all of the excellent blogs, vlogs or podcasts. We’ll examine questions on how content, news, and analysis are transmitted to users and which technologies can be overlapped in order to create new stimuli for technical developments. We will look at the unique forms of storytelling produced by these platforms and examine legal pitfalls.
The science:fiction track seeks to cover all areas where science and technology intervene in our daily lives: where development and innovation meet culture and society and where culture and society fuel development and innovation. We’d also like to hear from you about what we can expect in the future!